Pro's News
Tour News
Competition News
Nick Mackie 73 + 78 151
Dylan Smith 74 + 80 154
Greg Smart 70 + 84 154
Gary Chalmers 69 + 67 136
Brian Mitchell 67 + 69 136
Nick Mackie 68 + 73 141
Stan Forbes 68 + 73 141
1 Greg Smart 70(6) - 64
2 Andrew Tremain 74(8) - 66
3 Martin Craig 69(3) - 66
1 Paul Singer 80(12) - 68
2 Brian Kiloh 82(13) - 69
3 Gary Chalmers 82(13) - 69
1 George Donaldson 84(18) - 66
2 Mark Will 85(17) - 68
3 Ian Paterson 86(16) - 70
1 Bruce Harrold 74(7) - 67
2 Brian Mitchell 78(9) - 69
3 Charles Watson 77(7) - 70
1 Gary Chalmers 79(12) - 67
2 Stewart Clark 83(13) - 70
3 David Farmery 82(12) - 70
1 Rama Maganti 96(24) - 72
2 Paul Bain 88(16) - 72
3 Jeff Capstick 92(19) - 73
1 Michael Cameron 73(10) - 63
2 Scott Kranzke 71(7) - 64
3 Keith Horne 66(1) - 65
1 Brian Wood 77(15) - 62
2 Neil Anderson 76(12) - 64
3 Graham Rennie 76(12) - 64
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